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Hopscotch Farm + Cannery

heirloom produce and artisan foods

@HopscotchFarmPT (facebook and instagram)

Hopscotch FarmsWhat do you make? why? What care do you take?   Hopscotch Farm + Cannery grows heirloom produce and crafts artisan pickles, relish, and preserves for CSA, farmers market, and local stores in Jefferson County.

Meghan started Hopscotch in 2017.  With many fabulous produce farms already operating here, she decided to use her farm-grown fruits and veggies to make value-added “farm to jar” products.  But without land, she had to get creative to avoid major debt.  Enter the multi-plot micro-farm idea!  Based on a contemporary reimagining of WWII era Victory Gardens, Meghan farms on 3 small plots in Jefferson County.  

Meghan uses human-scale, organic and sustainable production methods.  As a passionate steward of the land she farms, her goal is to create a regenerative growing system that focuses on soil health, environmental health, and nutrient dense produce.  She uses permanent beds, incorporates crops to attract pollinators and beneficial insects (for pest control), irrigates with a drip system, grows mainly open pollinated varieties to promote biodiversity, and maintains soil fertility with compost, mulch, and cover crops. 

Operating on a micro-scale, with approximately 1/3 acre in production, gives Meghan a personal connection to each and every veggie harvested and jar made, and every product is made with the upmost care and love.    

What are you hoping the receiver experiences? Hopscotch weaves together agricultural traditions, the craft of canning, modern “locavorism,” and a sense of place in order to help you celebrate the abundance and flavors of the Olympic Peninsula.